Let me give you a brief overview of Amazon ranking system and their algorithms.
Don’t worry guys, we’ll go off the book as well and discuss some tricks as well. There are a few terms that you should be familiar with to get a complete understanding of this guide like BSR, Sales velocity, keyword indexing. Amazon’s ranking system is highly dependent upon sales velocity. Sales velocity is measured in percentage. If hundred customers land on your product page and from those hundred Customers, seven customers purchase your product then that means your product has 7% sales velocity. The product page that has high sales velocity will rank better and vice versa.
The more number of Sales you get on your product ensures you higher rankings in the search results. Second thing that you need to understand is that your product should index on all relevant keywords so that it has maximum customer exposure. Amazon’s ranking is basically keyword ranking. You need to create sales velocity on all of main keywords for your product which means you must be receiving orders on all relevant keywords of your product. And last but not the least you MUST have reviews on your product to help it with the ranking process. Reviews develop customer’s trust. The product with reviews ranks faster than products without reviews.
There are many other factors that contribute in Amazon product ranking. There are some really cool tricks that can be used to improve BSR drastically.
Amazon rewards a listing with super BSR decrease if you bring traffic from other websites especially social media platforms to you Amazon listing directly. You can do that by running advertisements on Facebook or posting your product links to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. When external traffic lands on Amazon product page and purchases a product, BRS improves very quickly.

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Benefits of One more technique that helps in improving BSR quickly is that if a customer buys your product along with a similar product with different brand name but top rank and reviews, it will improve your BSR very rapidly because Amazon algorithm with think that your product is so good that people are buying it without reviews even though there is a similar item available with great reviews.
There is another such technique which can be used to boost BSR. If you move your product from one category to another, Amazon gives you a BSR push and your product starts appearing in front for some time. So, you can switch your product category every other day and get the extra visibility for your product. There are many ethical and unethical methods that can be used to pump Amazon product ranking to get better sales.
One last method that I am gonna share with you folks is add to wish list method. This method is considered highly black hat but some people still use it and it works amazing. There are many service providers out there who have many Amazon buyer accounts and if you pay them some money, they will go to your product and add it to their wish list on many Amazon buyer accounts. This Improves BSR very quickly and your keyword ranks very quickly. You can rank multiple keywords this way with very small cost. Amazon is improving their systems every day. Soon Amazon’s algorithm will be mature enough to catch these tricks and counter it.
Whether you are an established seller or a newbie looking to get into the ecommerce business, chances are you don’t know everything you could when it comes to Amazon’s A9 algorithm.
Understanding how the algorithm works means you can rank highly on Amazon searches, which is the number one thing you can do to drive traffic to your listings, to ultimately drive sales. Effectively applying techniques and strategies optimised for the algorithm can mean exponential growth for your business.
To start, you will need a basic understanding of what is A9. The A9 Algorithm is the system which Amazon uses to decide how products are ranked in search results. It is similar to the algorithm which Google uses for its search results, in that it considers keywords in deciding which results are most relevant to the search and therefore which it will display first.
However, there is one key difference between Google and Amazon’s algorithms: the A9 algorithm also puts a strong emphasis on sales conversions. This is because Amazon is a business, and has a vested interest in promoting listings which are more likely to result in sales. Therefore Amazon will rank listings with a strong sales history and high conversion rate more highly.
This has a cumulative effect: products which are more highly ranked are more likely to receive more traffic and thus have a better chance of achieving high sales. In turn, this will boost their ranking, and so on. However, optimising the listing for conversions is also an important part of this equation: we will cover this later in the article.
As mentioned, keywords are one of the main factors Amazon looks for in determining relevance to search queries and therefore setting rankings on its results pages. Therefore it is critical to integrate high volume and importantly relevant keywords as part of your listings.
You can research keywords with high volumes of searches using keyword tools designed specifically for Amazon, such as MerchantWords. Start by thinking about the terms and words your ideal customer would search for. Be as creative as possible. Then use a keyword search tool to find out which terms have the best search volumes.
Also be sure to only use keywords which are relevant to your product – there is no point in being listed in search results for customers who are looking for something else. You want your product to be visible to the people who are most likely to buy it.
You may also want to consider relevant, lower volume keywords which have less competition. In some cases, ranking first for a search with a lower volume of searches can be more advantageous than a lower ranking on a high volume search term.
Once you have identified the best keywords to rank your product listing, you need to use them strategically. This comes down to how you write the title of your listing: you want to include as many keywords as possible while making sure the title still reads well rather than being just an incoherent mess of keywords.
The best way to do this is to It is also a good idea to use long tail variations of your primary keywords with “connector” words in between each keyword. You can also use pipes and dashes to break up the keywords for better readability. Finally, an optimised product title should mention the main benefits of the product, using keywords to do this.
Achieving a strong sales conversion rate is a vital part of any strategy to rank highly in terms of Amazon’s algorithm, as well as essential to the overall success of your business strategy. As already discussed, sales conversion rates is one of the key factors Amazon looks for in determining high ranking products, as these are the listings which are most likely to make them money. Thus increasing your sales conversions will drive more traffic to your listings through higher rankings, as well as obviously being good for your business!
Although text is important, you also need to keep in mind that most ecommerce shoppers make a decision incredibly quickly. In fact, the vast majority of shoppers make the decision to purchase without reading the whole listing. Rather, they make up their mind based on the title, images and the price.
For this reason, it is critical to optimise the images on your listing. Do this by including taglines on your images which explain product benefits or custom graphics which demonstrate product features. Use clear, high-quality images on a white background which are large enough to enable zoom: 2560 on the longest side is best.
Finally, put your listing through the “glance-able” test: does your listing convey the most vital information in the first 3 seconds? Does it encourage visitors to look further rather than closing their browser tab? Preview your listing on both desktop and mobile. It is important to have a mobile-friendly listing because the majority of Amazon shoppers view listings on mobile devices.
Once you have created a product listing which is optimised for both keywords and sales conversions, it doesn’t end there. It is important to monitor your listing’s performance regularly, to see how it is ranking and make any adjustments or improvements necessary.
If your keywords are not being effective in ranking your products it may be time to return to the research phase in order to identify stronger keywords.
Understanding how Amazon’s A9 algorithm works and how to optimise your listing can be highly beneficial for your business by increasing conversions, driving more traffic and ultimately growing your business.

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BSR, sales velocity and keyword indexing
Don’t worry guys, we’ll go off the book as well and discuss some tricks as well. There are a few terms that you should be familiar with to get a complete understanding of this guide like BSR, Sales velocity, keyword indexing. Amazon’s ranking system is highly dependent upon sales velocity. Sales velocity is measured in percentage. If hundred customers land on your product page and from those hundred Customers, seven customers purchase your product then that means your product has 7% sales velocity. The product page that has high sales velocity will rank better and vice versa.

The more number of Sales you get on your product ensures you higher rankings in the search results. Second thing that you need to understand is that your product should index on all relevant keywords so that it has maximum customer exposure. Amazon’s ranking is basically keyword ranking. You need to create sales velocity on all of main keywords for your product which means you must be receiving orders on all relevant keywords of your product. And last but not the least you MUST have reviews on your product to help it with the ranking process. Reviews develop customer’s trust. The product with reviews ranks faster than products without reviews.
Other factors that help in rankings
There are many other factors that contribute in Amazon product ranking. There are some really cool tricks that can be used to improve BSR drastically.
Traffic from sources outside Amazon
Amazon rewards a listing with super BSR decrease if you bring traffic from other websites especially social media platforms to you Amazon listing directly. You can do that by running advertisements on Facebook or posting your product links to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. When external traffic lands on Amazon product page and purchases a product, BRS improves very quickly.

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Finding Similar Ad-Ons with Your Products With Real High Ratings!
Benefits of One more technique that helps in improving BSR quickly is that if a customer buys your product along with a similar product with different brand name but top rank and reviews, it will improve your BSR very rapidly because Amazon algorithm with think that your product is so good that people are buying it without reviews even though there is a similar item available with great reviews.
Changing Categories sometimes gives you a RANK PUMP!
There is another such technique which can be used to boost BSR. If you move your product from one category to another, Amazon gives you a BSR push and your product starts appearing in front for some time. So, you can switch your product category every other day and get the extra visibility for your product. There are many ethical and unethical methods that can be used to pump Amazon product ranking to get better sales.
WISH-LISTS on Less Mature Marketplaces unlikely USA - IT RANKS YOU!
One last method that I am gonna share with you folks is add to wish list method. This method is considered highly black hat but some people still use it and it works amazing. There are many service providers out there who have many Amazon buyer accounts and if you pay them some money, they will go to your product and add it to their wish list on many Amazon buyer accounts. This Improves BSR very quickly and your keyword ranks very quickly. You can rank multiple keywords this way with very small cost. Amazon is improving their systems every day. Soon Amazon’s algorithm will be mature enough to catch these tricks and counter it.
Whether you are an established seller or a newbie looking to get into the ecommerce business, chances are you don’t know everything you could when it comes to Amazon’s A9 algorithm.
Understanding how the algorithm works means you can rank highly on Amazon searches, which is the number one thing you can do to drive traffic to your listings, to ultimately drive sales. Effectively applying techniques and strategies optimised for the algorithm can mean exponential growth for your business.

To start, you will need a basic understanding of what is A9. The A9 Algorithm is the system which Amazon uses to decide how products are ranked in search results. It is similar to the algorithm which Google uses for its search results, in that it considers keywords in deciding which results are most relevant to the search and therefore which it will display first.
However, there is one key difference between Google and Amazon’s algorithms: the A9 algorithm also puts a strong emphasis on sales conversions. This is because Amazon is a business, and has a vested interest in promoting listings which are more likely to result in sales. Therefore Amazon will rank listings with a strong sales history and high conversion rate more highly.

This has a cumulative effect: products which are more highly ranked are more likely to receive more traffic and thus have a better chance of achieving high sales. In turn, this will boost their ranking, and so on. However, optimising the listing for conversions is also an important part of this equation: we will cover this later in the article.
The Importance of Keywords
As mentioned, keywords are one of the main factors Amazon looks for in determining relevance to search queries and therefore setting rankings on its results pages. Therefore it is critical to integrate high volume and importantly relevant keywords as part of your listings.

You can research keywords with high volumes of searches using keyword tools designed specifically for Amazon, such as MerchantWords. Start by thinking about the terms and words your ideal customer would search for. Be as creative as possible. Then use a keyword search tool to find out which terms have the best search volumes.
Also be sure to only use keywords which are relevant to your product – there is no point in being listed in search results for customers who are looking for something else. You want your product to be visible to the people who are most likely to buy it.
You may also want to consider relevant, lower volume keywords which have less competition. In some cases, ranking first for a search with a lower volume of searches can be more advantageous than a lower ranking on a high volume search term.
How to Integrate Keywords
Once you have identified the best keywords to rank your product listing, you need to use them strategically. This comes down to how you write the title of your listing: you want to include as many keywords as possible while making sure the title still reads well rather than being just an incoherent mess of keywords.
The best way to do this is to It is also a good idea to use long tail variations of your primary keywords with “connector” words in between each keyword. You can also use pipes and dashes to break up the keywords for better readability. Finally, an optimised product title should mention the main benefits of the product, using keywords to do this.
The Role Of Sales Conversions
Achieving a strong sales conversion rate is a vital part of any strategy to rank highly in terms of Amazon’s algorithm, as well as essential to the overall success of your business strategy. As already discussed, sales conversion rates is one of the key factors Amazon looks for in determining high ranking products, as these are the listings which are most likely to make them money. Thus increasing your sales conversions will drive more traffic to your listings through higher rankings, as well as obviously being good for your business!
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There are a few ways you can optimise your listing in order to convert visitors into actual sales. Firstly, make sure the text in your product listing (namely, the title and bullet points) is persuasive and clearly communicates to your customers why they should finalise their purchase. Explain clearly and succinctly the product’s functions, features, any secondary uses and its USP (unique selling point). Use persuasive language and marketing techniques to convince them to buy: for example, you can use the social proof technique to show that your products are popular and come recommended. Practical examples of this which you often see in well-executed bullet points are things like "5+ million customers” and “over 1000 positive reviews".Although text is important, you also need to keep in mind that most ecommerce shoppers make a decision incredibly quickly. In fact, the vast majority of shoppers make the decision to purchase without reading the whole listing. Rather, they make up their mind based on the title, images and the price.
For this reason, it is critical to optimise the images on your listing. Do this by including taglines on your images which explain product benefits or custom graphics which demonstrate product features. Use clear, high-quality images on a white background which are large enough to enable zoom: 2560 on the longest side is best.
Finally, put your listing through the “glance-able” test: does your listing convey the most vital information in the first 3 seconds? Does it encourage visitors to look further rather than closing their browser tab? Preview your listing on both desktop and mobile. It is important to have a mobile-friendly listing because the majority of Amazon shoppers view listings on mobile devices.
Monitoring Performance and Rankings
Once you have created a product listing which is optimised for both keywords and sales conversions, it doesn’t end there. It is important to monitor your listing’s performance regularly, to see how it is ranking and make any adjustments or improvements necessary.
If your keywords are not being effective in ranking your products it may be time to return to the research phase in order to identify stronger keywords.
Understanding how Amazon’s A9 algorithm works and how to optimise your listing can be highly beneficial for your business by increasing conversions, driving more traffic and ultimately growing your business.

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