How to Access Dark Web In a world of ambiguity, we often desire to have things described in terms of black and white. If you are looking for such a book on the dark web, we must apologize. There is no way to paint the dark web as a truly evil construct (as popular culture often does) or as a perfect bastion of freedom (though we might like it to be considered that way). We instead wrote this book with the aim to tell the truth and to tell it in a way that any reader can understand. It is more important to us, as the authors, to help promote informed, democratic discussion than to convince you to side with our personal beliefs. If you come out of reading this book with greater knowledge and appreciation but still believe the dark web is an evil utility, our job is well done. If you come out of reading this book with greater knowledge, appreciation, and support for the dark web, then all the better. You will notice that this book spends relatively little time talking about the people...